Sunday, Dec. 3

* Nouvelle Administration hosts print arts pop-up
* Throw Poetry Collective December SLAM
*Battlewar Live Pro Wrestling
* Mal Devisa with Joni Void and Skin Tone


Battlewar wrestler Dirty Buxx Belmar

A one-day only pop-up holiday artisan market takes place today at Plateau graphic design studio Nouvelle Administration, with a special focus on print arts, featuring Collectif Blanc, la Brute, UN par UN, CDA Illustrations, Bien Beau and more. 4740 Resther, 11 a.m.–7 p.m., free

The Throw Poetry Collective hosts a December SLAM at Cagibi with special guest performer Deanna Smith of Kalmunity Vibe Collective, preceded by an open mic with a slate of Montreal spoken word artists. 5490 St-Laurent, 8 p.m., $7/$5 students and QWF members

Catch some high-octane wrestling action at Foufs tonight with the 50th edition of Battlewar Live Pro Wrestling, where you’ll catch dramatic battles between wrestlers including Vanessa Kraven, Mathieu St-Jacques, Dirty Buxx Belmar and lots more. 87 Ste-Catherine E., 8 p.m., $15

Montreal’s Congrès des Futurismes Radicaux invites rising Northampton, Massachusetts-based soul singer Mal Devisa to perform tonight at Casa del Popolo along with locals Joni Void and Skin Tone. 4873 St-Laurent, 9:30 p.m., $15/$13 in advance

For more music events, see our Event Listings. Art Listings can be found here.