Here’s how to vote on Sunday

If you’re a Montrealer, you should vote on Sunday. Here’s how to do it.

Photo via Flickr

The vote takes place on Sunday Nov. 3 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

The Election Montréal website includes information on:

Where you vote
• Which candidates are running for which positions in your borough and their party affiliations

There’s also an elector’s manual (available in 15 languages)

If you want to find out more about the platforms of a particular party and biographies of its candidates, here are the sites of the five parties.

Coalition Montreal (Marcel Côté)
Équipe Denis Coderre (Denis Coderre)
Projet Montréal (Richard Bergeron)
Vrai changement pour Montréal (Mélanie Joly)  (not running candidates in all boroughs)
Integrité Montréal (Michel Brûlé) (not running candidates in all boroughs)

L’Actualité magazine has mini-profiles on all the mayoralty candidates, including the independents, as well as their responses to 10 questions.

The independent candidates for mayor are:

Claude Blais
Louai Hamida
Paunel Paterne Matondot
Clément Sauriol
Kofi Sonokpon
Patricia Tulasne
• Joseph Young

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