Tuesday, Jan. 8

* Two Wildside fest plays at Centaur
* French surrealism in Holy Motors
* Quicksand plays Montreal
* DJs and cheap drinks at Korova

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Centaur’s Wildside winter theatre festival offers back-to-back Bechdel test-passing lady theatre this evening. First up is Nothing Never Happens in Norway at 7 p.m., a comedic musical adaptation of plays by notorious bummer playwright Henrik Ibsen, followed by Two Short Women at 9 p.m., about a girly vacation gone awry. Centaur Theatre (453 St-François-Xavier), $12.50–$15 per play

If you missed French surrealist film Holy Motors, it’s playing tonight through Thursday at Cinéma du Parc, and worth catching on the big screen. 3575 Parc, 9:30 p.m., $11.50

The recently-reunited masters of post-hardcore Quicksand are in town tonight. Considering they haven’t toured since 1999, you’d probably be wise to bring earplugs. Corona Theatre (2490 Notre-Dame W.), 8 p.m., $33.90

DJs Fixyourbitrate and 62 French Girls will have you drunkenly dancing to electro, funk and new disco after a few bourbon-lemonades over at Korova. Don’t like the music? Go for the drink specials. Korova (3908 St-Laurent), 10 p.m., free entry

Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.

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