Thursday, Dec. 6

* Remember the victims of the Polytechnique massacre
* Read the Rant Line
* Watch Doctors of the Dark Side film
* Don’t bathe, then go see the Occupy choir
* Diamond Rings and friends at Sala

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Diamond Rings play Sala tonight

First, have a moment of silence in remembrance of the victims of the Polytechnique massacre, which happened 23 years ago today.

Read the Rant Line™!

Doctors of the Dark Side, a doc about the medical practitioners who lent their skills to the War on Terror’s torture program, screens tonight only at Cinéma du Parc. 3575 Parc, 7 p.m.

Occupy Montreal has spawned! And it’s a full-blown choir! Check out our story on it later today, and then check it out in all its unwashed glory for yourself as they launch their first album. Alternatives (3720 Parc, second floor), 8 p.m., free

Diamond Rings, Gold & Youth and Mozart’s Sister play tonight at Sala. Don’t forget your unicorn and sparkle pants. La Sala Rossa (4848 St-Laurent), 9 p.m., $13/$15 

Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.


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