Today’s Sounds

Brendan Perry and Lisa Gerrard are locked in time, on many levels. This is a comeback for the Australian duo, who haven’t collaborated in 16 years, yet they move together as fluidly as ever, their elegant compositions as awesome and imposing as an immaculately maintained ancient tomb. Their style has a timeless, universal quality, not just because it taps into traditional Chinese and Middle Eastern instrumentation and vocalization – it’s as if it channels some dark mysticism, or (if you’re not into the whole metaphysical thing) exists in a meditative state an inch away from death.

Five reasons why Pride matters to Montreal

You can always bust out the assless chaps on any given afternoon, but there are only so many times of year when you can join hundreds of other people who are also wearing assless chaps AND be cheered on by a crowd half-filled with straight people.

Last night’s radical dyke march

Cult MTL photojournalist Owain Harris took to the streets yesterday evening for the Radical Dyke March, a decidedly more DIY event than the high-sheen Pride Montreal’s programming. Check out some of his photos!

Under Pressure in-depth

Cult MTL’s hip hop columnist covered last weekend’s Under Pressure festival from top to bottom. His photos capture the event’s art, dance, fans, vibes and a few of its famous faces. And his daughter Mélodie.

The Next Wave of Musical Theatre Splashes in Montreal

Get those jazz hands ready for the fifth anniversary of Montreal’s Next Wave Festival of New Musicals, underway now at various locations around the city. The annual festival run by CETM (the Centre for Education and Theatre in Montreal) aims to increase the profile of both English and French musical theatre in Montreal by harnessing […]

Half Moon Run

Our first video reportage, featuring Montreal’s Half Moon Run interviewed and filmed by Pat No and Andre Bendahan at Osheaga.

Unlocking the puzzle of Papo & Yo

In the second part of our coverage of innovative, locally designed game Papo & Yo, programmer Julien Barnoin talks about how the game came together and the joy of avoiding clichés.

Wednesday, Aug. 15

* Concordia’s Co-op Bookstore’s consignment sale
* Rhymes and beats at the McCord Museum
* Luchino Visconti’s Senso screens at Italian Week
* Pervers/Cité presents John Greyson’s classic short films

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