Conservative voters believe man-made climate change is real

Just 1 in 3 Conservative voters believe man-made climate change is real

Despite scientific evidence, most Conservatives still don’t acknowledge that humans are causing climate change.

According to a study by the Angus Reid Institute, just 1 in 3 Conservative Party of Canada voters (33%) acknowledge that man-made climate change is real, believing that climate change is a fact and is mostly caused by human activities.

This is significantly lower than the percentage of Liberal (89%), NDP (90%), Bloc Québécois (78%) and Green Party (77%) voters who acknowledge the scientific consensus that climate change is a product of human activity.

The study found that 49% of Conservative Party voters believe climate change is instead caused by “natural changes and cycles,” while 13% deny that climate change is happening at all.

Overall, 62% of Canadians believe that climate change is a fact and is mostly caused by human activities.

The study also found that denial of climate change decreases with education: 54% of high school graduates acknowledge that climate change is mostly caused by human activities, compared with 78% of university graduates who say the same. (For the complete table of results, please see page 1 in the report here.)

Just 1 in 3 Conservative voters believe that man-made climate change is real

The Angus Reid Institute conducted an online survey from March 20 to 22, 2024 among a representative randomized sample of 1,602 Canadian adults who are members of Angus Reid Forum.

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