Twitter and Elon Musk: I’m not going anywhere for now

“After taking the company private, Musk tweeted that the ‘bird is freed.’ The bird, of course, was never in a cage. My almost-daily contact with trolls who openly spew the most hateful content proves without a shadow of a doubt that far too much is tolerated on Twitter already.”

In praise of slow living, ie. slow the fuck down, Montreal

“I consider cycling and walking my therapy — an antidote to my naturally wired persona and my a-million-thoughts-a-minute brain, and a refuge from often-frustrating online debates and angry trolls. I credit a car-free lifestyle with improving my mental health and dramatically decreasing my daily stress levels.”

PSPP vs. the King: theatrics or principle?

“Plamondon making headlines with this has distracted from the fact that the PQ just posted its weakest election results ever. And yet his defiant stance against swearing allegiance to the British monarch has arguably allowed others to take a step in that direction.”