The Sessions: Iron Lung Love

Noted character actor John Hawkes gives a fine performance in this strangely light-hearted story about a disabled man’s quest for sexual fulfillment.

Market Share – friends and countrymen, lend me your Romans

In terms of taste, what you are getting is not much different than you would from a standard cauliflower, which for some people might mean that the extra cost (the head pictured here was $7) is hard to justify. It is described as more subtle in flavour and slightly nuttier than the regular model, and I concur, but what it has in spades over its cruciferous cousins is its ornate, alien beauty.

Market Share — Salty language? Sacre bleu!

Not to shill, but the little container of Mallorcan Flor de Sal d’Estrenc (with black olives), with its tasteful packaging and earthy aroma, delighted me instantly. And when I discovered how easily it could be incorporated into meals — a sprinkle on a caramelized mushroom and onion pizza, a decorative dash on a simply grilled fish — it became this summer’s go-to seasoning.