police brutality laval gulaid mahdi

New video shows disturbing police brutality against Black man in Laval

“This is the most shocking and upsetting instance of racial profiling I have ever seen. Mr. Mahdi was clearly in compliance, and yet officers continued to use excessive force.”

In a video posted on social media today, Laval police are seen restraining and punching a Black man in an apparent act of police brutality. According to the Red Coalition, a Montreal-based human rights advocacy organization, the victim is 31-year-old Gulaid Mahdi, and the incident took place on Sept. 1, 2024.

In a second video, which the Red Coalition shared with Cult MTL, a second man is restrained and arrested on the scene, and the two police officers initially shown restraining and beating Mahdi are joined by at least five more officers who participate in the arrest. Red Coalition says that Mahdi was also pepper-sprayed and tazed.

Mahdi is heard in the video saying “I can’t breathe” and “I don’t want to die.”

The Red Coalition’s Joel De Bellefeuille says, “The footage in this video is deeply disturbing and reminiscent of the 2019 assault and death of George Floyd. This is the most shocking and upsetting instance of racial profiling I have ever seen. Mr. Mahdi was clearly in compliance, and yet officers continued to use excessive force.”

New video shows disturbing police brutality against Black man in Laval

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