montreal biodiversity health

Photo by Jean-François Savaria

Montreal marks Biodiversity Day: “Our health is linked to that of the planet”

Montreal Public Health Director Dr. Mylène Drouin has expressed Montreal’s commitment to maintaining biodiversity and its multiple benefits.

Montreal Public Health Director Dr. Mylène Drouin has issued a statement marking the International Day for Biological Diversity (aka Biodiversity Day), an observance designated by the United Nations to provide education on the importance of biodiversity, while raising awareness about the number of species being significantly reduced by human activities.

Drouin expressed Montreal’s commitment to maintaining biodiversity, stating that “human health is linked to that of the planet.”

“Protecting the richness of species means preserving the ecosystems that provide us with clean air, drinking water and medicines. We are committed to maintaining biodiversity and its multiple benefits.”

Montreal marks Biodiversity Day: “Our health is linked to that of the planet”

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