Amon Amarth Montreal shows concert

Amon Amarth

A case for December being the most metal month of the year

2 of the 8 top Montreal shows of the week have killer metal lineups.

I don’t know if it’s the grey days, darkened daylight, pelting hail, Metallica finally releasing a halfway listenable song or just the general frost and foul that early December brings but I can’t escape the irresistible urge to dive into my fave black metal records (one of ‘em is the Current Obsession listed below). Once the shrieking, tremolo-picked, razor-sharp guitars and blast beats get a little tiring, though, I finally settle into more traditional metal as my music of choice in the year’s final month, the one that gives us the birth of the baby Geezus.

I guess somebody up there likes me because my two big gigs of the week both fall under the metal hammer and they are complete stonkers, one of which is a local bill that most cities would kill to call their own. Of course it’s not all a metal circle-jerk as there are plenty of gigs happening this week that should appeal to just about any regular duder/dudette who regularly peruses this humble column. 

Friday: Starting things off with an utter blaster is Mothland’s Proto Winter Party. True, it’s a little bit of a reach for the title here but the lineup is gargantuan. Easily one of the best live bands this burg has ever produced, Pypy, is back — and this time, it’s personal. Opening up for this killer band is la Sécurité and Breeze, with DJ Sweet Daddy Luv keeping the Ritz lit all night. 179 Jean-Talon W., 9 p.m., $24.56

This next gig kind of appeals to the same crowd as the Pypy gig, so you will have a hard time deciding as the pride of Châteauguay, Private Lives (featuring wife and hubby as well as ex-Pale Lips and current Priors members Jacky and Chance), will get their noisey post-punk on at Da Turb with Anxious Pleasers and Liquid Assets. It’s going to be fuggin’ great — in fact both of these gigs are guaranteed to be rad, so choose wisely my little warrior of the night, choose wisely. 2040 St-Denis, 8 p.m., $13/$15

Saturday: Da Turb is hosting “A Night of Indie Sleaze” with the universally acclaimed “solid duder” DJ Alex Ortiz from electropunk trio We Are Wolves. I can’t believe Ortiz didn’t use the DJ moniker Sir Hugsalot because the dude seriously gives the best hugs. I’m not kidding. Go ahead and ask him for one, it’s like swimming in tepid porridge and you’ll wish it never ends. Yep! In fact, fuck the DJing, he should just stand there and just give hugs. 2040 St-Denis, 11:30 p.m., free

Alright, if you are metal soldier, you’re going to have a fuk of a hard time deciding on this one. Fans of early thrash or Municipal Waste, Midnight etc. are definitely gonna want to make it down to Foufs to catch the beer and belching metal of Reanimator. If that wasn’t rad enough, opening is one of the best bands in the city, Metalian, who will rip it up in the direct support slot. In fact, the new Metalian rekkid is a serious face-ripper, so check that out on da Tube. If you have not heard singer Ian Wilson’s falsetto reach for the stratosphere you are really in for a treat here. Opening up for these beasts of bourbon is Deadman’s Prophecy and Torn to Pieces. 87 Ste-Catherine E., 7 p.m., $15/$20

Okay, Metalian and Reanimator would’ve been my big pick for gig of the week if not for the other metal night that is happening at Place Bell in Laval: Amon Amarth. Now, I do like metal as much as the next hesher, but for the life of me I could never get Amon Amarth. I love my epic riffs and can sort of stomach Viking metal (as long as it’s done by Bathory) but I could never cotton to these Norwegian giants for some reason. So why would I make this the big pick of the week if the headliner ain’t deliverin’? If anything, I will give Amon Amarth marks for having great taste as their handpicked openers are none other than fucking Carcass, death metal legends Obituary and grind kings Cattle Decapitation. Hooooly fuuuuuck!!!! To say this will utterly rip is putting it lightly. Chances may even be good that you skip out on the headliners and still make it to Foufs to keep bangin’ to Reanimator. In the ultimate underground metal irony, this is actually a seated show. 1950 Claude-Gagné, 6:30 p.m., $75.75

Monday: Remember kiddos, the local scene has always been as much about the labels and promoters as the bands, and newly hatched label Personal Records are swingin’ right out of the gate. On Monday, they are launching two 10-inches at Casa, which is just too cool. First off they’re launching a 10-inch for U.K. artist Petronn Sphene, but it’s the split 10-inch with Skin Tone and Markus Floats that is really unique. Both Skin Tone and Floats recorded pieces directly to vinyl acetates and these acetates will be sold at the launch. In other words, each vinyl copy has a completely unique performance. All three artists will be performing with a show of support from Alex Moskos, who opens up and DJs in the Personal Records family will be djing all night. 4871 St-Laurent, 8 p.m., $15

Tuesday: If you remember the shriek and screech of free music at Mardi Spaghetti when it was happening at the dearly departed Cagibi, and later la Sala Rossa, you can keep the freedom flag unfurled at Casa when three sets of improv music is promised from Grdina, Honari, Charuest – Nixon, Grossman, Garino, Perli and Venne – Deshaies. For those about to skronk, we salute you. 4871 St-Laurent, 7:30 p.m., suggested donation $15

Thursday: Mudie is no slouch when it comes to giggin’ and this loveable lummox keeps it “rollin’” like a badder and radder Fred Durst by jamming it on the one in his home turf of Harsholaga, at Maison de la Culture Maisoneuve, and get this: it’s free! WOOP WOOP! Opening up is Capable! 4200 Ontario E., 7 p.m., free!!!

Current Obsession: Xasthur/Leviathan, split release

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