1st dose appts. quadruple following SAQ & SQDC passport announcement

Looks like the government knew what buttons to push with the vaccine-hesitant.

Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé has confirmed that first dose appointments in the province have increased by more than four times, from 1.5K per day to over 6K yesterday. This follows the announcement that the vaccine passport will be implemented at all SAQ and SQDC branches in Quebec, as of Jan. 18, and that the mandate will be extended to more non-essential businesses and services in the coming weeks.

“In just a few days, the appointments for the first dose went from 1.5K per day to over 6K yesterday. Thank you to everyone who decided to get vaccinated. It is not too late to receive your 1st dose. Protect yourself.”

—Christian Dubé

1st dose appts. quadruple following SAQ & SQDC passport announcement

The latest public health measure has drawn criticism from different quarters, with some saying the move is nothing more than ineffective theatrics (especially since products from the SAQ and SQDC are available online) and others decrying it as an infringement on personal freedom.

For more information on the booster in Quebec and to book your appointment, please click here.

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