STM Montreal cop security brutality

A protest against STM brutality is happening in Montreal on Sunday

This follows a recent case of two Montreal metro cops and one SPVM officer beating a Black trans woman.

Following the beating of a Black trans woman by two metro cops and one police officer at Jean-Talon metro station last Saturday, a protest has been organized against the brutality displayed by STM security — who will soon be given some police-level powers including the ability to make arrests.

“We have decided to mobilize a protest as to not only demand accountability, but also JUSTICE. We are gonna protest against the STM officers’ change of status to ‘Constable’ this July 1 and against POLICE BRUTALITY AS THIS IS AND WAS AN ACT OF POLICE VIOLENCE and tackle the systematic racism and racial profiling that police and security cores practise in Quebec. And we are gonna make noise as we are tired of the lack of answers and accountability from our city officials, the STM and the SPVM.”

—Organizers of the Montreal protest against STM brutality

The protest will begin at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 25 with a rally and speeches at the white gazebo near the southeast entrance of Jarry Park, near St-Laurent Boulevard and Gary-Carter Avenue.

For more event details, please visit the event page. A GoFundMe campaign has been organized for the victim of the attack.

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