Guillaume Bordel Mini Album

REVIEW: Guillaume Bordel, Mini Album

Bordel’s dense songwriting takes the wheel on this folk-rock record with stoner and psych overtones.

Guillaume Bordel, Mini Album (independent)

The term folk-rock has more or less been robbed of meaning by the everlasting spectre of the Eagles and their peaceful, easy feeling, but it’s hard to describe the sound of Guillaume Bordel’s latest EP as anything but, even if there’s not much crossover between Topanga Canyon hippies and Bordel. Ragged, garage-y production (by simpatico “folk-rocker” Dany Placard) bolster his wordy, introspective songwriting. The EP stretches out into more overtly psychedelic zones (such as the spacey ballad “Chat”), touches on Nirvana-style hooks with “Au soleil” and even makes place for a grandiose stoner break at the midpoint of “Ça va ben,” but it’s Bordel’s dense songwriting that takes the wheel here. 8/10

“Au soleil” from Mini Album

For more about Guillaume Bordel, please visit his website.

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