75% in favour of ending lockdowns/restrictions in Canada by the time vaccinations are complete

When should things get back to “normal”?

A new study by Leger Marketing has discussed a question that has surely been on everyone’s mind over the past year: At what point should the government end the economic/business restrictions, closures, occupancy limits, lockdowns and curfews? The question has been asked in reference to the pace of COVID-19 vaccinations currently happening across Canada.

While the majority of Canadians are in favour (75%) of ending all restrictions or closures by the time vaccinations have been completed, almost one in five people in Canada (18%) would prefer to wait an additional six months after all Canadians who want the vaccine have received theirs.

75% in favour of ending lockdowns/restrictions in Canada by the time vaccinations are complete

18% of respondents would prefer restrictions be lifted once 50% of Canadians have been received both of their COVID-19 vaccine doses, while 12% want a return to normalcy once those over the age of 65 have been vaccinated. 14% of respondents felt that commercial activity should re-open now.

For the full list of results and methodology, please click here.

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