Valérie Plante Montreal snow removal

City of Montreal presents COVID-era snow removal plan

Here’s where to park in Montreal during the city’s first snow removal of the year, starting tomorrow.

UPDATED Jan. 2, 2021: Here’s the map of where free parking is available beginning on Sunday, Jan. 3, when the city of Montreal will begin the first snow removal of the year.

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante held a press conference on Nov. 9 regarding the city’s plan for snow removal and the new challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Plante opened her comments by pointing out that while it doesn’t feel natural to talk about snow when it’s 19 degrees outside, last year Montreal had its first snow storm in November. She spoke about the creation of 3,000 new parking spots for car owners to use during snow removal operations (since they’re commuting less), pedestrian safety — in terms of ice management as well as the addition of lateral bars on contractors’ trucks —and the implementation of public health measures among the workforce to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks.

“We will give Montrealers more flexibility by taking into account their reality, such as working from home. More parking spaces will be available during snow removal and it will be possible to resume a space on the street as soon as the operations are finished. Climate change has a real impact on the ice forming on roads and sidewalks. I asked the boroughs to be diligent and to pay attention to snow and ice removal from sidewalks, especially near subways, schools and hospitals. Safety is paramount. Montreal now requires in its contractors that snow removal trucks be equipped with lateral bars to prevent risks. It is a great step forward that will save lives.”

—Valérie Plante

For more details, please visit the city of Montreal’s press release here.

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