COVID-19-vaccine queue calculator Canada Canadians

This vaccine queue calculator tells Canadians when they’ll get their shots

Your age, occupation, living conditions and other factors determine where you are on the priority list.

The Omni Calculator website is keeping track of how many doses of the Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are being received and administered across Canada, and they’ve implemented a vaccine calculator based on the federal government’s national guidelines priority list to estimate when all Canadians will get their shots.

The calculator, which is being updated daily as vaccine shipment delays and other developments arise, can estimate each person’s COVID-19 vaccination month based on a number of factors including age, occupation, health and living conditions, and only takes a minute to complete. For example, a 35-year-old who lives or works in a group setting and is not pregnant, an essential worker or part of an Indigenous community is estimated to receive the vaccine between late May and late June 2021.

To use the vaccine queue calculator, please visit the Omni Calculator website.

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