halloween quebec covid-19

BREAKING: Halloween is on in Quebec, but only for kids

Yes to trick-or-treating, no to parties, maybe to Christmas.

In a press conference this afternoon, Premier François Legault shared some good news for kids. Trick-or-treating on Halloween will be permitted across the province by Quebec public health officials, as long as two rules are respected: children need to be accompanied ONLY by people they live with, and a two-metre distance needs to be maintained between children and the people who choose to give out candy.

Conversely, while trick-or-treating is a go because it is a mainly outdoor activity, Legault added that Halloween house parties for children or adults remains forbidden in Quebec, along with (presumably) festivities in bars and clubs. Technically the temporary closures of bars and restaurants could be lifted after Oct. 28, in time for Halloween (Oct. 31 falls on a Saturday this year), but it remains unknown whether or not those restrictions will be lifted.

As for Christmas, Legault suggested that some restrictions on gatherings will likely remain in place into the holiday season, particularly large gatherings. It is still unknown what holiday festivities will look like.

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