Trudeau Trump NAFTA

Justin Trudeau | Instagram

Trudeau declines Trump invite to Washington to relaunch NAFTA

Besties no more.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declined an invitation to attend talks and officially relaunch NAFTA in Washington, D.C. this Wednesday with U.S. President Donald Trump and Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. According to Lopez Obrador, who had urged Trudeau to attend the launch of the new NAFTA (aka CUSMA in Canada, USMCA in the U.S.), he and Trudeau will be speaking by phone today instead. Trudeau had previously expressed uncertainty about the proposed Washington trip and meeting with Trump due to tensions over U.S. tariffs on Canadian aluminium, as well as concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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In January, I met with workers at ABC Technologies in Brampton. We spoke about the new NAFTA and how it’ll remove the threat of auto tariffs, protect our supply chains, and create more opportunities for them – and workers like them across the country – to succeed. When it comes into force tomorrow, it’ll also make sure our business owners, entrepreneurs, and people across the country have access to the North American market. It’ll remove uncertainty for our manufacturers, investors, and workers whose jobs depend on strong and stable trade with our partners. And it’ll protect our languages and people who work in the arts, thanks to the cultural exemption. It’s a good deal for Canada. ???????? En janvier, j’ai rencontré des travailleurs d’ABC Technologies à Brampton. Nous avons discuté du nouvel ALENA, qui éliminera la menace des droits de douane sur les automobiles, protégera nos chaînes d’approvisionnement et offrira encore plus d’opportunités de réussir à ces travailleurs ainsi qu’à ceux de tout le pays. Lorsqu’il entrera en vigueur demain, l’accord permettra à nos propriétaires d’entreprise, à nos entrepreneurs et à nos gens de partout au pays d’avoir accès au marché nord-américain. Il éliminera les incertitudes pour les fabricants, les investisseurs et les travailleurs dont l’emploi dépend d’échanges commerciaux forts et stables avec nos partenaires. Et il protégera également nos langues et les gens qui travaillent dans le domaine des arts, grâce à l’exception culturelle. C’est un bon accord pour le Canada.

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Justin Trudeau on the new NAFTA, which came into effect on July 1

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