Saturday, Sept. 8

* Disco Déjeuner
* Mahler on the Couch and Teddy Bear @ Cinéma du Parc
* Fairytales in the City vernissage
* Beyond Photorealism vernissage
* Belgo overload
* Think About Life w/ Socalled, Fanny Bloom and Chinatown

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Think About Life
Photo by Yannick Grandmont

Hungover? Gotcha covered. Head to the Disco Déjeuner with John Lee. Nouveau Palais (281 Bernard W.), 11 a.m.–3 p.m.

New films screening at Cinéma du Parc this weekend include Mahler on the Couch, from Baghdad Café director Percy Adlon, and Danish Sundance hit Teddy Bear. 3575 Parc, see Cinéma du Parc for showtimes

See the vernissage for Fairytales in the City, a group exhibit by seven artists exploring themes of urban myth and fairytale. Fleurbain (460 Ste- Catherine W., #917), 7 p.m.

Shmooze with some of the original Photorealist painters and SoHo heavyweight art dealer Louis K. Meisel at the vernissage for Beyond Photorealism, a major retrospective exhibit at Galerie de Bellefeuille (1367 Greene), 2-5 p.m.

There’s so much going on at the Belgo on Saturday that you could make a day of it. There’s a vernissage for two new exhibits at Optica (suite 508), by Pierre Olivier and Catherine Bodmer, while Circa (space 444) opens Louise Viger’s De la chair au continent (3 p.m.). Rats9(suite 530) is launching Carly Higgins’ new show, IMA POOP IMA POOP IMA POOP IMA POOP (5 p.m.), with performances by Interracial Love Triangle, lvvvl and Sierra Komar, and more music courtesy of DJ Maki. See the Belgo Report for more info.

If you thought you’d seen the last of local party band Think About Life (who retired at last year’s Pop Montreal festival, they’ve returned for the outdoor OUMF festival alongside Socalled, Fanny Bloom and Chinatown. Quartier Latin (St-Denis & de Maisonneuve)

Check out our full Montreal music listings for more great shows, club nights and special events.

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