Observations from Montreal trudeau

What are Justin Trudeau’s greatest accomplishments as Prime Minister?

The legalization of recreational marijuana and managing the COVID-19 pandemic top Canadians’ list of Trudeau’s greatest accomplishments.

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation as leader of the Liberal Party this morning, we revisit a study by Léger that asked Canadians about Trudeau’s greatest accomplishments in office.

According to Canadians, among Trudeau’s top accomplishments are cannabis legalization (16%) and managing the COVID-19 pandemic (15%), followed by affordable childcare (7%), reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples (7%), improving Canada’s reputation internationally (6%), gun control (5%) and climate action (4%).

“The greatest proportion of Canadians feel the legalization of recreational marijuana and managing the COVID-19 pandemic top his list of accomplishments. The greatest proportion feel integrity issues top his list of disappointments.”

justin trudeau greatest accomplishments prime minister
What are Justin Trudeau’s greatest accomplishments as Prime Minister?

A web survey was conducted among 1,501 Canadians, 18 years of age or older, via Leger’s online panel, LEO.

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