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Cineplex Forum & VIP

Best Movie Theatres in Montreal

Montreal has spoken.

As voted by our readers in the 2024 Best of MTL readers poll, these are the best movie theatres in Montreal. For more results from the Best of MTL, please click here.

Best Movie Theatres in Montreal

1. Cinéma du Parc

3575 Parc

2. Cinéma Cineplex Forum & VIP

2313 Ste-Catherine W.

3. Cinéma Moderne

5150 St-Laurent

4. Cinéma Beaubien

2396 Beaubien E.

5. Cinéma Banque Scotia Montréal

977 Ste-Catherine W.

These are the best movie theatres in Montreal. To read the 2024 Best of MTL issue, please click here.

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