Peptide vs Steroid Hormones: How Are They Different?

The debate around peptide vs steroid hormones rages on.

Have you been working hard at the gym but not seeing great results or significant progress? Maybe it’s time to consider peptides or steroid hormones that can help you reach your fitness goals.

Perhaps you’re wondering how peptide vs steroid hormones stack up to each other. This guide explains the difference between them, how they work and what their benefits and possible side effects are. You’ll also get to discover natural solutions you can try, such as collagen peptide supplements like Organifi Collagen.

What Are Peptides?

Peptides are the essential links connecting amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins in your body [1].

Because peptides are smaller and simpler versions of amino acids, they are easier for the body to absorb and can enter the bloodstream more quickly.

How Do Peptides Work?

Peptides play a big role in many of your body’s biochemical processes. Once they enter the bloodstream, peptides try to bind to the receptors of certain organs and tissues to help them function, grow, and develop properly.

While peptides are naturally produced in your body, there are also supplements available that could boost the action of these powerful growth agents.

These supplements are usually made from different plant and animal protein sources, such as eggs, meat, fish, beans, oats, and various seeds.

Benefits of Peptides

Research has revealed that peptide hormones can help your body in various ways, such as combating aging, healing wounds, and boosting strength and muscle mass.


Collagen is a protein present in your skin, hair, and nails. Taking a collagen peptide supplement could help keep your skin hydrated, improve its elasticity, and fight wrinkles [2].

These peptides can also help stimulate the production of melanin; this skin pigment protects your skin against sun damage.

Manufacturers of topical anti-aging cosmetics usually highlight that the added peptides in their products may reduce wrinkles and make your skin look younger. 

Wound Healing

Because collagen is important for good skin health, scientists have become interested in how bioactive peptides can help heal wounds and reduce inflammation [3].

In addition, there is also research that explores anti-microbial peptides—particularly how high or low levels of peptides in your body can lead to skin conditions like psoriasis [4].

Increasing Strength and Muscle Mass

When combined with a program of resistance training, scientists have found that collagen peptides may increase strength and muscle mass especially in older adults [5].

Creatine peptides are also becoming popular with bodybuilding enthusiasts. These are easier for the body to process, causing fewer digestive difficulties.

Potential Side Effects of Peptides 

Because they’re similar to the peptides contained in the foods you normally eat, most peptide hormone supplements are not likely to cause any major side effects in healthy adults.

One study confirms that oral collagen peptide supplements are generally safe, with no reported adverse side effects [6].

However, topical products containing peptide hormones may cause minor skin problems, such as rashes and itching.

If you’re pregnant, taking prescription medications, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor first to find out if peptide hormone supplements are right for you.

>>Check the latest prices for Organifi Collagen here

What Are Steroids?

Steroids are synthetic versions of hormones normally produced by the adrenal glands, which are normally just above the kidney. 

There are two types of steroids. The first is corticosteroids, a synthetic version of cortisol—a hormone usually produced by your adrenal glands [7]. The second one, anabolic steroids, are manufactured versions of the male hormone testosterone [8].

Both require a doctor’s prescription. They come in various forms, including tablets, nasal sprays, inhalers, injections, and topical forms like creams, gels, and lotions.

How Do Steroids Work?

Corticosteroids act by reducing redness and swelling (a.k.a. inflammation) [7]. Corticosteroids also limit the activity of your immune system—which represents the body’s natural defense against illness and infection.

Likewise, anabolic steroids have a therapeutic use in the treatment of delayed puberty in male children, certain types of breast cancer, endometriosis, and osteoporosis.

Benefits of Steroids

Corticosteroids are often used by physicians to treat inflammatory conditions like asthma and eczema [7]. By regulating the immune system they could help in combating autoimmune disorders like lupus—where the immune system mistakenly attacks its own body.

Anabolic steroids are also prescribed for various conditions; some doctors even prescribe them off-label for things like kidney failure and bone marrow stimulation for AIDS patients.

Anabolic steroids are sometimes used illegally by professional and amateur athletes to quickly build muscle mass and give them a physical edge in competitions [8].

Potential Side Effects of Steroids    

Corticosteroids carry a big risk of serious side effects, which is why their use has been limited despite their advantages [7].

You should be aware of their potential adverse effects. Among these are high blood pressure and weight gain when taken orally, mouth infections when inhaled, pain and high blood sugar when injected, and acne when applied topically.

Corticosteroid use over long periods can also disrupt the normal functions of both the adrenal and pituitary glands.

Some of the other side effects associated with anabolic steroids include fluid retention, sleep difficulty, radical mood swings, increased libido, erectile dysfunction, and acne [8].

Anabolic steroids are also highly addictive; long-term use can cause serious withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and depression. If you’re looking for a natural alternative, you can try supplements that work like steroids to shred fat and preserve that lean muscle you crave.

Peptides vs Steroid Hormones: The Key Differences

Now that you have a better idea of what peptide and steroid hormones are, let’s see how their effects vary when it comes to seeing better results at the gym.

Safety Profile

In the peptide vs steroid hormones debate, both are classified as performance-enhancing drugs (PED). Yet, when it comes to safety, the question distinctly favors peptides.

The main reason for this is that many of the sources used for peptide supplements are very similar to the peptides your body makes.

Clinical tests show that many participants who took peptide supplements showed few serious side effects if any [6].

In contrast, steroids don’t put up much of a fight in this safety round of the steroid vs peptide hormones match.

For starters, steroids are controlled and are illegal to possess or distribute without a valid prescription. Plus, many of them have been linked to some serious side effects, especially with long-term use [8]. 

Additionally, anabolic steroids have been banned in the U.S. by both the National College Athletic Association (NCAA) and the professional leagues of every major sport [9]. Natural steroid alternatives like Anadrole can give you similar benefits but without the legal and serious health repercussions.

Mechanism of Action

Peptide supplements work organically in the body by interacting with natural receptors in organs and tissues. This enhances the proper biological responses needed for growth and development.

Steroids flood your body with as much as 100 times more testosterone than it needs, leading to quicker gains but also more dangerous side effects from the massive hormonal imbalance.

Side Effects

When it comes to peptide and steroid hormones’ associated side effects, those of peptides are generally much less [6].

On the other hand, the side effects of steroids are typically much more serious—including dangerous mood swings, prostate problems, and baldness [8].

When used for a long time, the harmful effects of anabolic steroids can even expand to include gonad damage, liver disease, hypertension, and paranoia. 

Legality and Regulation

In the US, both peptide and steroid hormones require a doctor’s prescription. Since each is a synthetic, man-made form of a natural human hormone, a prescription shows that the product has been tested and is safe for humans to take.

That said, there are also over-the-counter peptide supplements available. Just be aware that the FDA doesn’t approve dietary supplements, although it monitors reports about these products.

In contrast, since anabolic steroids are classified as a controlled substance in the U.S., there are no over-the-counter options available. As a result, it is illegal to own, share, or sell anabolic steroids without a valid prescription.


If you compare the results and effectiveness of peptides to steroid hormones, peptide hormones may initially yield only subtle gains, but in the long run, your results are likely to be more sustainable and long-lasting.

Steroid hormones, on the other hand, act fast. They will yield much faster and more dramatic results, but they may come with some serious side effects that may seriously affect your health.

Peptide vs Steroid Hormones: How to Choose Between the Two

When weighing your options in the peptide hormones vs steroid hormones debate, keep these three things in mind:

Personal Preferences

First of all, figure out which one matches your preferences best. If you like a slow but steady approach, peptides could be a more reliable solution. But if you’re leaning toward a fast but risky option, steroids might catch your eye.

Health Considerations

When it comes to peptide vs steroid hormones, peptides might be a safer choice for most folks in general. If you have sensitive skin, you’ll probably be better off with an oral form of peptides instead of a topical one that might irritate your skin.

Although using anabolic steroids illegally could endanger your health, there’s a small possibility your doctor might prescribe them to you, but only if you have certain medical conditions—such as breast cancer if you’re a woman or delayed puberty for boys.

If you’re not sure which one is a better fit given your health condition, ask for advice from your healthcare provider.


What is the end game you imagine when choosing between peptide vs steroid hormones? If your goal is to do better in athletics by being bigger and stronger, you might be tempted to try anabolic steroids.

But remember: whether you’re a professional or an amateur, it’s illegal to use steroids in sports or bodybuilding events. Using peptide hormones in most cases is also banned, at least for athletic purposes.

Thankfully, collagen peptide supplements are available over the counter. You can also get OTC steroid-like supplements to boost muscle gains and target body fat. Both are legal to use even without a doctor’s prescription.

While these supplements are not likely to produce dramatic results like steroids when it comes to muscle mass and strength, they can be handy if your goal is to gradually strengthen your muscles and joints and improve your skin for better overall health.

Best Collagen Peptides

If you’re searching for more accessible and convenient alternatives to peptide and steroid hormones, check out these over-the-counter collagen peptide supplements.

Organifi Collagen

Organifi’s Collagen packs five collagen types and is designed to strengthen muscles and relieve joint pains by supplying the body with more protein. This supplement also helps to keep skin, hair and nails healthy and youthful.

It combines collagen peptides from food sources like chicken bone broth, bovine, fish, and eggshell membrane. This soluble powder can be mixed with water or other drinks.

Many customers have shared positive feedback about Organifi’s Collagen supplement online, especially on Amazon, where reviewers recommend Organifi as a reliable source of high-quality drinkable powders with low sugar content [10]. On the other hand, other users are not that thrilled with the customer service.

>>Check the latest prices for Organifi Collagen here

Earth Echo Multi-Collagen Peptides

This multi-collagen peptide supplement from Earth Echo can help soothe your sore, aching joints after working out. It also makes cellulite less visible, which is a perk if you want a more toned-looking body. Furthermore, this dairy-free supplement improves the appearance and strength of your hair, nails, and skin. It features five kinds of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Many users have great things to say about multi-collagen peptides. To illustrate, a customer shares on the official Earth Echo website that this supplement makes a big difference by giving her more energy and improving her health. Another client, however, says she prefers the old formula to the new one.

>>Check the latest prices for Earth Echo Multi-Collagen Peptides here

MindBodyGreen Beauty & Gut Collagen+

Beauty & Gut Collagen+ by MindBodyGreen helps you age in a healthy way by encouraging your body to produce more collagen. This supplement supports your bones, joints, and muscles and hydrates your skin to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Aside from the two types of collagen peptides, it’s fortified with vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts to bolster your well-being.

There’s a fair amount of good feedback about Beauty & Gut Collagen+ online. On the official MindBodyGreen website, a user talks about the remarkable difference this supplement made, such as more radiant skin and better gut health. However, not all users are impressed, as some customers say they don’t like the taste.

>>Check the latest prices for MindBodyGreen Beauty & Gut Collagen+ here

Peptide vs Steroid Hormones: Frequently Asked Questions

Still curious to know more about the steroid vs peptide hormones debate? Here are our answers to popular questions about the subject.

Are Peptides Legal?

Yes. Legitimate peptides—meaning those that are scientifically tested and proven—are legally available in the U.S. with a doctor’s prescription. Moreover, you can also buy over-the-counter peptide supplements legally, even without a prescription.

Do Peptides Have Side Effects?

Generally, peptide supplements are likely to be safe if you’re using them under the guidance of a medical doctor. However, it’s possible for side effects to occur—such as high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and stomach problems (including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea). Some users might experience certain allergic reactions, like a rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

Can Steroids Be Used Safely?

It depends. If your doctor prescribes them for certain health conditions, steroids might be safe to use in that case. However, it’s neither safe nor legal to use steroids for bodybuilding or sports purposes.

Can Peptides and Steroids Be Used Together?

Is it possible to use peptide and steroid hormones together to get the best results? Both substances have risk factors when used individually. That’s why you should only combine steroids and peptide hormones if your physician recommends it.

Where Can I Obtain Peptides or Steroids?

The ease of purchasing peptide and steroid hormones is not the same. All you have to do to order an OTC peptides supplement is to go online. On the other hand, you can only get anabolic steroids legally if you have a doctor’s prescription. While it’s possible to purchase steroids even without a prescription, we don’t advise that you do so since you’ll be breaking the law.

What Is the Difference Between Steroid Hormones and Peptide Hormones?

Wondering what the difference between hormones and steroids is? Our comparison of peptide vs steroid hormones above has shown that they differ in how they work within the biological landscape of your body. Peptides interact with the receptors of various organs and tissues to trigger the resulting natural biological responses. Conversely, steroids work directly to manipulate protein synthesis and gene expression.

What Is Better, Peptides or Steroids?

Determining the better alternative in the battle of peptide vs steroid hormones depends on what you want. If you’re looking for fast gains in strength and body mass, steroids may be the better option. But keep in mind that there are a lot of health risks involved. Peptides provide a much slower developmental curve, but the gains are more sustainable, and the side effects are mild.

Is Insulin a Peptide or Steroid Hormone?

In the peptide vs steroid hormones debate, insulin belongs to team peptide. That’s because insulin is a protein chain (a.k.a peptide hormone) containing around 51 amino acids per molecule that helps to turn digested nutrients into usable energy for the body [11].

Final Thoughts: Peptide vs Steroid Hormones

In a nutshell, anabolic steroids work faster, but they put your health at risk, while peptides work slower to build you up gradually with more sustainable long-term results.

Whether you prefer peptide or steroid hormones is up to you. If you opt for peptides, you can either get a prescription or go for over-the-counter collagen peptide supplements, such as Organifi Collagen.


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