Montreal anti-Pierre Poilievre city Canada

Montreal is the most anti-Pierre Poilievre city in Canada

Just 17% of Montrealers have a positive opinion of the Conservative Party leader.

According to a study by the Angus Reid Institute, just 17% of people in Montreal have a favourable opinion of Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre, lower than any other city in Canada.

The cities in Canada where Poilievre is most favoured are Calgary (45%) and Edmonton (55%). Overall, 39% of Canadians have a positive opinion of Pierre Poilievre.

Pierre Poilievre’s net favourability rating in Montreal sits at -51%.

Montreal anti-Pierre Poilievre city Canada
Montreal is the most anti-Pierre Poilievre city in Canada

The study also found that NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet are the most popular federal party leaders in Montreal, at 49% and 42% favourability, respectively. Approval of Justin Trudeau in Montreal is now 36%. (For the complete table of results, please see page 1 in the report here.)

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