Valérie Plante Pierre Poilievre

Valérie Plante destroys Pierre Poilievre on Twitter over misinformation on housing

“‘Common sense’ also means understanding the financing mechanisms specific to each province.”

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante and Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre traded insults on Twitter today, with Poilievre calling Plante (and Quebec City Mayor Bruno Marchand) “incompetent” for failing to adequately build housing with federal funds in their respective cities.

Marchard responded to Poilievre’s statement by calling it “petty politics.” Plante, taking aim at Poilievre’s current “Common sense” slogan, rebutted by saying that that’s not how things work in Quebec.

“Before calling anyone incompetent, Mr. Poilievre should understand that in Quebec, federal funding for housing does NOT go through the cities. ‘Common sense’ also means understanding the financing mechanisms specific to each province.”

Valérie Plante destroys Pierre Poilievre on Twitter over misinformation on housing

While Plante refrained from directly throwing the provincial government under the bus, it’s the province that administers housing projects with federal funds, which is why representatives from all three levels of government are often present at housing announcements.

Poilievre’s post, quoting an ICI Québec article published on Tuesday, pointed out that fewer housing units were built in Quebec last year than any year since the statistics were first recorded in 1955.

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