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Black Friday deals are back: Where and what to shop in Montreal?

The trick with Black Friday shopping is being prepared for what you want to buy. We will share some tips with you and tell you the best places to shop in Montreal.

The time is almost upon us when we go into a mad frenzy looking for discounted prices on long-wanted items, a sale known and anticipated across the globe as Black Friday. Montreal is no exception to this-many stores offer Black Friday deals that are simply too good to resist! This year, Black Friday will be on the 25th of November, and we are looking forward to it!

Before we go into too much detail about where and what to shop in Montreal this year, we will give you a few tips that will make your Black Friday shopping a breeze. Keep reading.

Tips for Black Friday Shopping

1. Shop Online

Typically, for Black Friday sales, the prices are the same in-store and online. The difference then becomes when you will receive your product. This is especially important if you live in densely populated areas or just don’t want the fuss of shopping in a crowd.

2. Write down a shopping list

Not only will this keep your spending on track, but it’ll also help you to not get distracted by the many products that will be on special that even if you purchase them because they are cheap, will be of no actual use to you.

3. Get newsletter and flyer savings

Before Black Friday, sign up for some newsletters and online flyers as this will get you better acquainted with what will be on sale on the actual day. Towards Black Friday, a lot of stores either hint at or outright say what their Black Friday specials will be, all of which is useful information for planning purposes.

4. Shop the pre-sales

Leading up to Back Friday, a lot of stores do pre-salesevents. The pro with this option is that you get your items faster. The con is that it may not be at the Black Friday sale price. Your decision to shop during pre-sales will depend on how urgently you want the item.

5. Be careful with electronics

While Black Friday is a great time to buy electronics and other components, make sure you have all of the parts you need for what you’re buying. A lot of electronics are attractive when on promotion. However, don’t get yourself in an unhappy situation having bought a bit that won’t work without other bits that you didn’t know to buy.

Based on historical Black Friday activity, Best Buy is the preferred store by Canadians for Black Friday shopping. It is followed closely by Amazon, Walmart, and Costco. The deals that shoppers are most attracted to are sports goods, tech, and makeup deals.

Best Buy Montreal

This Black Friday, visit Best Buy at one of their branches in Montreal to get good deals on long-wanted items. Remember to keep the tips above in mind. 

Walmart Montreal

Walmart is running a 3-week special for Black Friday, and many of their deals are already live. Get there nice and early if you’re going in-store or pre-order items if you’ll be buying online.


Costco is known for wholesale deals, so it can only get sweeter for Black Friday! As with the other stores, if you’re going in-store, make sure you’re mentally prepared for the traffic you’ll likely encounter, and if you’re buying online, it’s best to start looking early.