COVIE-19 Quebec Liberal Party

Quebec Liberals propose COVIE-19 plan to reopen businesses, live with the virus

“We can no longer tolerate the short-term management that François Legault has used since the very beginning of the pandemic.”

This morning Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade shared COVIE-19, a plan to reopen businesses in the province and adapt to life with the virus, without the looming threat of more closures due to new variants.

Anglade criticized Premier François Legault’s management of the pandemic and proposed the following moves.

  • The creation of the COVIE-19 unit to coordinate reopening efforts with various partners
  • The establishment of an independent scientific committee headed by the Chief Scientist
  • Sectoral and predictable reopening plans
  • Separate press briefings between Public Health and François Legault
  • Long-term supply plans for protective equipment, testing, vaccines, drugs and ventilation equipment.

“We can no longer tolerate the short-term management that François Legault has used since the very beginning of the pandemic.”

—Dominique Anglade

Quebec Liberals propose COVIE-19 plan to reopen businesses, live with the virus

For the complete COVIE-19 plan from the Quebec Liberal Party, please click here.

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