what to do in montreal today CCA exhibition launch a section of now

The CCA is launching A Section of Now with a three-part event on Saturday

The new exhibition focuses on expanding notions of family, property ownership, activism, work, technology and life cycles.

On Saturday, Nov. 13, the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) is launching a new exhibition, A Section of Now: Social Norms and Rituals as Sites for Architectural Intervention. The show examines our society with a focus on “expanding notions of family, property ownership, activism, work, technology and life cycles,” and features TV series, contemporary photography, architectural research and designed objects.

In lieu of a traditional CCA vernissage event (one talk followed by a wine & cheese), the CCA is inviting the public to choose one of three time slots, each featuring different pairs of speakers who will discuss the exhibition.

At 2 p.m., exhibition designers Sam Chermayeff and Betsy Clifton will speak with researcher Hannah Strothman. At 4 p.m., artist Jamie Diamond will be in conversation with CCA curator of photography and new media Hester Keijser. At 6 p.m., Takumi Akin, Wesley Chou and Jonathan Michael Gacnik of Folder Studio will speak with exhibition curator Giovanna Borasi, who is also the CCA director.

A Section of Now: Social Norms and Rituals as Sites for Architectural Intervention

For more about the exhibition and this weekend’s launch event, please visit the CCA website.

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