Balarama Holness 4

Balarama Holness on protection of French language: “Let it belong to everyone”

“Let newcomers, immigrants, people from all walks of life be included in this culture.”

In a report by La Presse, Mouvement Montréal leader Balarama Holness was asked about topics ranging from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to putting Montreal “on the map” to bringing back the Expos. Holness also spoke about the importance of Montreal’s role in the protection of the French language.

“Absolutely! We must ensure that all Montrealers feel at home. Let us invest in culture and the Francophonie. Let newcomers, immigrants, people from all walks of life be included in this culture. And so, let the French language belong to everyone, so that no one feels excluded. By creating a mosaic of people who consume culture and the Francophonie, we will protect it.

On the other hand, it is necessary to reduce the rate of assessment of French to return to work, so that people can improve and learn French at work. Even I could fail a French test to return to the City of Montreal and my French is impeccable… or almost impeccable.”

Mouvement Montréal is advocating for a bilingual city with city-state status that would give Montreal more power.

For more on Balarama Holness and the Mouvement Montréal platform, please visit their website.

Balarama Holness on protection of French language: “Let it belong to everyone”

For more on the Montreal municipal election on Nov. 6–7, please visit the Élections Montréal website.

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