Too Good to Go app food waste

Anti-food-waste app Too Good to Go launches in Montreal

Canada is the third worst offender in global food waste, ahead of the U.S.

In keeping with the city’s goal to cut food waste in half by 2026 and eradicate it entirely by 2030, the app Too Good to Go has aligned with over 100 local partners to launch an app connecting consumers with nearby grocery stores and restaurants. The app, which launched in recent months in both Toronto and Vancouver, also allows people to buy surplus food at a discount and support local businesses in the process.

“We know that Montrealers love food and hate waste. When using our app you can save perfectly good food from being thrown out while also supporting your favourite local business or trying out a new one.”

—Too Good To Go Canada country manager Sam Kashani

Food waste accounts for 10% of greenhouse gases globally, and Canada is the third worst offender, ahead of the U.S. A shocking 58% of food prepared in Canada is thrown out, higher than the world average of 40%.

Among the Montreal businesses participating are Vrac & Bocaux, Fou D’Ici, Just Pressed, Cool & Simple and SpiceBros. Moisson Montréal is also involved as a charity partner, with 100% of in-app donations going directly go to the organization, which serves 300 community agencies that help feed people in need.

Too Good to Go has reportedly saved more than 98 million meals from more than 121,000 partners in 17 countries since being founded in 2016. Each meal rescued saves the equivalent amount of CO2e emissions that’s required to fully charge a smartphone 422 times. ■

Anti-food-waste app Too Good to Go launches in Montreal

For more, and to download the app for iOS or Android, please visit Too Good to Go’s website.

For more on the food and drink scene in Montreal, please visit the Food & Drink section.