Eye Camera Window: Takashi Homma on Le Corbusier CCA online tour

Take a virtual tour of CCA’s Eye Camera Window: Takashi Homma on Le Corbusier

The exhibition continues through Aug. 15.

On Aug. 12, the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) is offering a virtual tour of their exhibition Eye Camera Window: Takashi Homma on Le Corbusier. The virtual tour — which is happening this Thursday at 2 p.m., to be followed by a Q&A with online participants — will be led by Louise Désy (in French), who was the curator of the exhibition and has been a longtime photography curator for the CCA.

The exhibition collects Takashi Homma’s photos of windows as a fundamental element of Le Corbusier’s architecture across Europe and Asia, as well as original illustrations by the influential Swiss-French architect. Désy and the CCA “presents photographic sequences and clusters that present the window as a spatial and perceptual motif in both Le Corbusier and Homma’s work while calling into question the act of seeing.”

Eye Camera Window: Takashi Homma on Le Corbusier, which has been on in the CCA’s Octagonal gallery since Oct. 29, 2020, ends its run after Sunday, Aug. 15.

Take a virtual tour of CCA’s Eye Camera Window: Takashi Homma on Le Corbusier

For more information and to register for the virtual tour, please visit the CCA website.

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