republican anti-vaccine pro-life

Republican logic: Anti-vaccine but pro-life

“Getting a vaccine to save lives during a pandemic should be a personal choice, but what a woman does with her own body should be mandated by the government.”

American economist, professor and author Robert Reich commented yesterday on one of the many hypocrisies of contemporary Republican thinking. He noted that if some Americans can choose not to get vaccinated (and, by extension, ignore other life-saving pandemic measures like wearing a mask and avoiding gatherings), Americans should also have safe, legal access to abortions. How can you be anti-vaccine and “pro-life”?

Republican logic: Anti-vaccine but pro-life

A recent editorial in Vogue focused on the fact that the phrase “My body, my choice,” commonly seen on pro-choice protest signs, has been adopted by anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.

As Charles Gaba points out in his weekly update, the counties in the U.S. that are the least vaccinated are also those who voted the most for Trump.

Republican logic: Anti-vaccine but pro-life

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