80+ Quebec second dose vaccine Covid-19 move up citizen Kane orson welles

Citizen Kane, 1941

Quebecers 80+ can now move up their second dose appointments

It’s terrific!

As announced by Quebec Health Minister Chistian Dubé last week, the province is speeding up its vaccine rollout with the acceleration of second doses.

Anyone in Quebec who is over 80 and has received their first shot can move up their vaccination appointment today by visiting ClicSante.ca. Every weekday through June 23, a new age group (five years younger) will be able to do the same.

second dose vaccination appointments
Quebecers 80+ can now move up their 2nd dose appointments

When a new booking is confirmed, the previously scheduled appointment will automatically be cancelled.

To reschedule your second dose, please visit the ClicSanté website. For more on COVID-19 in Quebec, please visit the Santé Québec website.

For the latest news updates, please visit the News section.