Team sports to resume June 25 across Quebec; June 11 in yellow zones

Montreal gyms are due to reopen on June 7, when the city becomes an orange zone.

In a press conference this afternoon, Quebec Sports and Leisure Minister Isabelle Charest announced that outdoor, team sports like soccer and baseball will be able to resume across the province on June 25, regardless of zone colour. This will happen two weeks earlier in yellow zones, on June 11. These supervised sports events can include a maximum of 25 people.

Most of Quebec is projected to shift to green-zone status by the end of June, Charest said, at which point sports competitions and tournaments with a maximum of 50 people will be allowed. This would also give the green light to indoor sports like basketball.

Montreal gyms are due to reopen on June 7, when the city is expected to become an orange zone. Masks will still be mandatory.

This is a developing story that will be updated.

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