Drive-through vaccination centre opening May 17 at Montreal airport

The site can accommodate up to 4,000 people per day.

Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé has just announced that there will be a drive-through vaccination centre opening at the Montreal Trudeau International Airport on May 17. This will be the first drive-through vaccination centre to open in Quebec, and at full capacity, will be able to vaccinate up to 4,000 people per day, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

“Innovative. This is the word that comes to mind to describe the first drive-through vaccination centre in Quebec, located at the Montreal airport, which I visited this morning. At full power, up to 4,000 people per day will be vaccinated there. It will gradually open its doors in mid-May.”

—Christian Dubé
Drive-through vaccination centre opening May 17 at Montreal Trudeau International Airport

To make a vaccination appointment in Quebec, please click here. All the information about vaccinations in Montreal can be found here. For more on COVID-19 in Quebec, please visit the Santé Québec website.

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