Valérie Plante Denis Coderre montreal mayor race

Denis Coderre more popular than Valérie Plante with anglos, allos, old people

Plante is the more popular candidate regarding arts and entertainment, green spaces and public transit.

In a new Leger Marketing poll, former mayor Denis Coderre is 12 points ahead of current Mayor Valérie Plante ahead of the upcoming Montreal mayoral election. Coderre sits at 46% while Plante has 34% support. 19% of respondents said they would support other candidates.

Plante is more popular with the younger population and with francophones, while Coderre is favoured by non-francophones (ie. anglophones and allophones) and Montrealers over 35.

Denis Coderre is more popular than Valérie Plante with anglophones, allophones and old people in the latest Montreal mayoral race poll.

Respondents also believed that Coderre would be the better mayor to lead the economic recovery in Montreal as well as repairs to the city’s road network. Plante is the more popular candidate regarding arts and entertainment in Montreal, green spaces and public transit.

Denis Coderre is more popular than Valérie Plante with anglophones, allophones and old people in the latest Montreal mayoral race poll.

The Montreal municipal election is happening on Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021.

For the full list of results and methodology, please visit the Leger Marketing website.

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