anti-Asian racism

Photos by Cindy Lopez

Thousands of Montrealers marched to denounce anti-Asian racism

Protesters joined a vigil in Chinatown for the victims of last week’s mass shooting in Atlanta.

UPDATED: Today marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In Montreal, thousands of people gathered to denounce anti-Asian racism, marching from Cabot Square to a park in Chinatown where a vigil was taking place for the victims of last week’s mass shooting in Atlanta, GA. Among the eight people killed there, six were Asian women.

anti-Asian racism
Anti-Asian-racism protest in Montreal

Protesters, whose numbers were said to be in the hundreds in early reports but were reportedly closer to 3,000, also demanded that the Quebec government acknowledge the existence of systemic racism in the province.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, 30 anti-Asian hate crimes have been reported in Montreal.

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