montreal tickets spvm anti lockdown anti mask protest

Montreal police issued 40% more tickets last week than the week before

The SPVM raked in loads of cash off anti-mask protesters on Saturday.

Montreal police have announced that they received 421 calls from March 8 to 14 regarding COVID-19 public health measures and violations. This is a increase in the number of calls from the previous week, which were 383 (+38). The SPVM also confirmed that Montreal police handed out 516 tickets, up 144 from the previous week, including 230 (-33) for breaking curfew. 

Roughly 5,000 people assembled in downtown Montreal on Saturday to protest Quebec’s continuing lockdown restrictions.

The SPVM has announced that Montreal police issued 516 tickets for public health violations, including 230 for breaking curfew.

For more on Montreal public health, please visit their website.

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