Cinemas Guzzo streaming

Cinémas Guzzo is streaming movies and the content is all over the place

From classic film noir to random-Baldwin B-movies to Queb rom-coms.

Joining fellow Montreal movie theatres and cinema chains Cinéma du Parc (and its affiliates Cinéma Beaubien and Cinéma du Musée) and Cinéma Moderne, Cinémas Guzzo began streaming films on its website last month.

The list of available films is all over the place, in genre, vintage and renown: There are classic film noirs, thrillers, Westerns and horror from the 1940s and ’50s, Charles Bronson action films and random-Baldwin B-movies from the 1980s and ’90s, 21st century kids movies and recent Quebec rom-coms and even a documentary about Montreal playwright Vittorio Rossi. 30-day rentals from Cinémas Guzzos costs $4.99 per film.

Theatres across Quebec have been closed since Oct. 1, 2020, and given the unrelenting spread of COVID-19 and the province’s increasingly heavy-handed counter-pandemic efforts, it remains unknown when they might reopen.

To see Cinémas Guzzo streaming options, please visit their website.

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