François Legault Thanksgiving

Legault pleads with Quebecers to cancel in-person Thanksgiving

“We do have to make sacrifices in order to save our healthcare system.”

In a press conference this morning, Quebec Premier François Legault again asked Quebecers to download Canada’s contact tracing app, COVID Alert. He also reiterated the importance of not getting together with family members or friends who don’t currently live at your address for Thanksgiving this year. Making the sacrifice to cancel in-person Thanksgiving will help to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus so as not to overload Quebec hospitals.

“This is a three-day weekend that is coming up, the Thanksgiving long weekend,” Legault said. “I know that normally families get together around a turkey, at least that was our tradition at home. I am asking Quebecers to stay only with the people who live in the same house as them. We do have to make sacrifices in order to save our healthcare system. If we want to be able to continue to care for all the people who are ill in Quebec, we have to reduce the number of hospitalizations and in order to make that happen, there aren’t 50,000 ways of doing it. We have to reduce our social contacts. Thank you.”

For the latest COVID-19 (Coronavirus) info for Quebec, please visit the Santé Québec website.

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