Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse and Pier-Luc Funk virtual prom physical distancing Quebec celebs

Quebec celebs announce virtual prom, encourage physical distancing

“It’s okay if you have a slightly moist face — that should be the least of your concerns.”

This afternoon’s press briefing by the provincial government featured Quebec celebs — actor-comedians and TV personalities Pier-Luc Funk and Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse — who joined Premier François Legault to announce a virtual prom and to tell young Quebecers to respect COVID-19 pandemic guidelines, particularly physical distancing.

“I know it’s been tough for young people over the past few months where graduates from high school have been deprived of their proms,” Legault said, “but Sarah-Jeanne and Pier-Luc will host a virtual prom on Télé-Quebec on June 19. I want to thank them for this initiative.”

Pier-Luc Funk and Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse each spoke, commending young people for their adherence to COVID-19 lockdown directives and safety guidelines. Given the recently relaxed rules about gatherings in Quebec, allowing groups of 10 from 3 households to gather outdoors, they also asked young people to keep respecting the two-metre physical distancing directive or, when that’s not possible, to wear masks, even as summer weather kicks in.

“It’s okay if you have a slightly moist face (from the mask),” said Funk. “That should be the least of your concerns.”

After appealing to young Quebecers last week to work at day camps this summer, Legault reiterated the need for volunteers and staff (to be trained) at CHSLDs. “I want to send a message to young Quebecers: If you want to take care of the most vulnerable people, if you’re looking for a rewarding job where you can make a real difference in people’s lives, we could use your help in our health network.”

For COVID-19 (Coronavirus) information for Montreal and Quebec, please visit the Santé Quebéc website.

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(Quebec celebs Pier-Luc Funk and Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse announce virtual prom, encourage physical distancing)