Alien (1979)

Saturday, October 12th

* Alien Night at FNC
* Johnny de Courcy album launch
* Kuessipan film screening
* Kero Kero Bonito show
* Phenomena Festival’s Hold it, Kiss it, Squeeze it

Onetime metal musician Johnny de Courcy has spent most of this decade moving in a pretty different musical direction Check out the launch of his third album at the Diving Bell Social Club with openers Tess Roby and les Soniques. 3956 St-Laurent (3rd floor), 9 p.m., $10

Myriam Verreault’s Kuessipan, an adaptation of a book by Innu writer Naomi Fontaine, tells a universal story set in a First Nations community on Côte-Nord. The film is playing at the Forum. See more about the film in our interview with Verreault here

British indie pop band Kero Kero Bonito return to Montreal to play an all ages show at Fairmount Theatre with opening act Negative Gemini. 5240 Parc, 9 p.m., $22.50

Among the many films screening at Festival du Nouveau Cinéma today, Alien Night is an all-night event at the Imperial Theatre, where all four Alien films will be shown, interspersed with a bit of hosting, play and spectacle by Gameloft, Burlesgeek and others. Breakfast follows (at 5:20 a.m.!). 1430 Bleury, 8 p.m., $35/$17.50 under 18

The Phenomena Festival’s Hold It Kiss It Squeeze It promises to be an “intergenerational, non-linear” performance starring Jacqueline Van De Geer and Michael Martini. Studio D 325 (5445 de Gaspé), 8 p.m., voluntary contribution

For more concert recommendations, see this week’s edition of Hammer of the Mods.