REVIEW: MØ, Forever Neverland

MØ’s Forever Neverland continues down sonic, rhythmic, melodic paths that will be familiar to her followers.

, Forever Neverland (Chess Club/RCA Victor)

Following up her 2014 debut LP No Mythologies to Follow — and a few seasons of hit singles and collabs, which she’s better known for in these parts — MØ’s Forever Neverland continues down sonic, rhythmic, melodic paths that will be familiar to her followers. Despite decent guest appearances by Diplo and Charli XCX, this is an artist who doesn’t depend on such support, having developed a strong signature sound with husky, world-weary vocals at the forefront. That said, the album feels overlong and becomes a tad repetitive, but memorable tracks outweigh its traces of mediocrity. 7/10 Trial Track: “Way Down” (Lorraine Carpenter)