REVIEW: Godspeed You! Black Emperor’s “Luciferian Towers”

It’s a freaking Godspeed record.

GYBE_01CoverFront Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Luciferian Towers (Constellation)

Caught the group at Théâtre Paradoxe in Ville-Émard about a year ago and was struck by how much the show rocked in a conventional sense — not a bad thing, necessarily, but certainly unexpected. That surprising show informs this melodic new album somewhat, as there’s a crispness to the building riffage and conciseness to the compositions that doesn’t take away from the atmosphere and emotion they typically bring. It’s almost as if this world is so fucked that Godspeed had no choice but to roll up their sleeves and get to work.


Trial Track: All of it, it’s a freaking Godspeed record