Saturday, Jan. 14

* Bazar Vintage
* 4 vernissage picks
* EarthBound Sci-Fi Wrestling show
* Tristan Ginger’s Studio 54 show
* Let’s Get Physical edition of MPU party
* Moonshine party


Tristan Ginger 2

Tristan Ginger

Montreal’s Bazar Vintage is back for another edition in Rosemont’s St-Jean Berchman Church for one day only, with dozens of vendors selling unique vintage clothing, jewellery, furniture, home décor and plenty of other collectibles. 5945 Cartier, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m., free

The city’s art galleries continue springing into action this week with several vernissages taking place today including highlights like Sonny Assu and Erika Dueck at Art Mür (5826 St-Hubert, 3–5 p.m., free), the “post-post-digital” show Futuristic Future by Lauren Pelc-McArthur, Amy Brener and Cat Bluemke at Projet Pangée (372 Ste-Catherine W., #412, 3–6 p.m., free) and a study of the concept of transparency in modernity by François Lemieux at Vox (2 Ste-Catherine E., #401, 4–7 p.m., free).

Venusian Spirit Sister wrestlers Lilac and Ula climb back into the ring/stage for a new edition of EarthBound Sci-Fi Wrestling, a show with an out-of-this-world cast of characters, sound design by Vieux Néant and projections by Marie-Michele Cyr. The Sacred Square (2050 Joly), 9 p.m., $10–$15 sliding scale, BYOB

Local boylesque superstar Tristan Ginger hosts a show/party in the spirit of legendary NYC nightclub Studio 54, with half a dozen additional performers mounting a glamorous disco spectacle. The Wiggle Room (3874 St-Laurent), 9 p.m., $20/$25

Mec Plus Ultra’s monthly bash at le Belmont strives for a sweaty dancefloor with the Let’s Get Physical edition, featuring resident DJs Montag, Franz et Diskommander. 4483 St-Laurent, 10 p.m., $5 & free drink before 11 p.m./$8

This month’s Moonshine party (taking place in a new venue) imports NYC DJ Michael Magnan and Berlin’s Paul Souljoyce, plus locals Shaydakiss, River Lance and party cofounder Pierre Kwenders for a long, late night of African house, deep house, funk and percussion. Secret location, 11 p.m., $5 before midnight/$10 12–2 a.m./$15

See our Event Listings for more concert, nightlife, theatre, comedy and community event options. See our Art Listings here.