Monday, Nov. 7

* Standing Rock solidarity demo
* Vallum magazine, “The Wild Issue” launch
* Last week for Teesri Duniya Theatre’s The Refugee Hotel
* Aurora live with Dan Croll
* Atmosphere live with Brother Ali and more guests



Square Victoria will be the site of a Montreal demo in solidarity with protesters at Standing Rock, who have been fighting the installation of the Dakota Access Pipeline. 800 Square Victoria, 12–2 p.m.

Local contemporary poetry magazine Vallum launches their new issue 13:2 called “The Wild” with a poetry reading tonight at the Emerald, hosted by comedian Brad MacDonald and featuring contributors Jeramy Dodds, Megan Callahan, Alexei Perry Cox and more. The evening will also serve as launch for two chapbooks by Yusuf Saadi and Jan Zwicky. 5295 Parc, 7 p.m., free

It’s the last week to see the Teesri Duniya Theatre company’s production of The Refugee Hotel at the Segal Centre studio theatre — a black comedy by award-winning Chilean-Canadian playwright Carmen Aguirre that tells the story of a group of refugees staying in a Montreal hotel in the aftermath of Chile’s 1973 coup d’état. 5170 Côte-Ste-Catherine, 8 p.m., $26/$18 students, continues to Nov. 13

Norwegian singer-songwriter Aurora, who’s earned some solid buzz with the shadowy nordic folk-pop of her 2015 EP and LP All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend, plays the Corona Theatre with opener Dan Croll. 2490 Notre-Dame W., 8 p.m., $22/$27

Minneapolis hip hop duo Atmosphere bring their Fly Fishermen Tour to Théâtre Fairmount with serious support from Brother Ali, deM atlas with Plain Ole Bill and Last Word. See our interview with Atmosphere here, and our interview with Brother Ali here. 5240 Parc, 9 p.m., $12/$15

See our Event Listings for more concert, nightlife, theatre, comedy and community event options. See our Art Listings here.