WIN tickets to see Noah Gundersen on Saturday night

The Seattle singer-songwriter is playing Cabaret du Mile End with Owen Beverly. Click for contest details.

Noah Gundersen

Seattle singer-songwriter Noah Gundersen, formerly of the bands the Courage and Beneath Oceans, is playing Cabaret du Mile End (5240 Parc) on Saturday, Nov. 1, at 9 p.m. If you’re not familiar with Gundersen’s music, check out the video below. The opening act is Mississipi’s Owen Beverly. Tickets cost $15/$18.

Courtesy of Greenland Productions, we have one pair of tickets to this show to give away. All you’ve got to do to enter the contest is email before 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 31 with “Noah Gundersen” in the subject line. We’ll select a winner at random and inform them by 4 p.m. Good luck! ■