Thursday, July 24

* Crew up with the cast of Brooklyn Nine-Nine at Just for Laughs
* Rimbaud-inspired performative art at the Darling Foundry
* 3 critics’ picks at the Fantasia film fest
* Vice photo exhibit at Yves Laroche Gallery
* The Posterz and les Anticipateurs play the MEG fest

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The cast of Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Tonight’s Andy Samberg gala at Just for Laughs is sold out, but if you’re free this afternoon, see him and the cast of Brooklyn Nine-Nine at the Hyatt’s Grand Salon Opera. 1255 Jeanne Mance, 4 p.m., $31.50

A number of local artists present performative art pieces inspired by the writings of French poet Arthur Rimbaud, at the Fonderie Darling, complete with a Bar Éphémère. 745 Ottawa, 6 p.m., free

Our critics recommend three movies screening at the Fantasia festival tonight, tales of Korean vengeance, American cults and Japanese depravity. 1455 de Maisonneuve W., various times, $10/screening

Vice holds its annual photo show, Kind of Wild and Sort of Free, at Galerie Yves Laroche. Sounds kind of, sort of fun. 6355 St-Laurent, 7 p.m., free

It’s MEG! On this first night of the eclectic music festival, check out a pairing of anglo and franco rap crews the Posterz (who played a great set at our party last weekend) and les Anticipateurs. La Sala Rossa (4848 St-Laurent), 9 p.m., $20

[UPDATE: THIS SHOW IS CANCELLED] Over at SAT, it’s Scottish DJ/producer Hudson Mohawke, part of the Warp/GOOD teams and half of TNGHT with Montreal’s Lunice. He’s spinning alongside Dave Luxe, M. Bootyspoon and Melt MTL. 1201 St-Laurent, 10 p.m., $22

Check out our complete listings for more club, stage and gallery events.