Tuesday, April 22

* Montreal Improv grads showcase their skills
* Rae Spoon & Ivan Coyote launch Gender Failure
* Human Human play Cabaret du Mile End
* David J plays Katacombes
* Mistaken for Strangers at the Phi Centre
* Factory Floor at le Belmont

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Rae Spoon & Ivan Coyote

Montreal Improv graduates showcase their new skills. 3697 St-Laurent, 7 p.m. $5

Singer/musician Rae Spoon and author Ivan Coyote launch Gender Failure, a collection of autobiographical essays, lyrics and images documenting their parallel coming of age tales. La Sala Rossa (4848 St-Laurent), 7:30 p.m., $15

Local band Human Human have found a novel way to package a record: as a 72-page magazine. Catch the free launch party for Run at Cabaret du Mile End. 5240 Parc, 7:30 p.m., free

David J, of Bauhaus/Love & Rockets fame, headlines at Katacombes with openers Amy’s Arm and Hexapheen. 1635 St-Laurent, 8 p.m., $20/$25

The Phi Centre screens Mistaken for Strangers, a documentary about Matt and Tom Berninger from Brooklyn band the National. 407 St-Pierre, 8:45 p.m., $11.25

If you like dancing in the dark, check out British DFA act Factory Floor at le Belmont with locals Femminielli Noir and Essaie Pas. 4483 St-Laurent, 9 p.m., $15

Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.