Friday, March 28

* The Crash Reel at the PHI Centre
* Couture magazine launch at Olympia
* Gender B(l)ender open mic at Café l’Artère
* Fantastic flicks at FIFA
* A ton of good shows

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Cracked Actor: David Bowie

The PHI Centre screens The Crash Reel, a documentary which explores the irresistible but potentially fatal appeal of extreme sports. 407 St-Pierre, 7:30 p.m., $11.25

Catch the launch of Couture magazine — a full-on a fashion show and party. Olympia (1004 Ste-Catherine E.), doors 7 p.m., $20

Kama La Mackerel hosts the Gender B(l)lender open mic at Café l’Artère, an inclusive, experimental and safe performance space. 7000 Parc, 8:30 p.m., free

Among the ton of fascinating flicks at the International Festival of Films on Art are Horror Europa With Mark Gatiss, a chilling voyage through European horror cinema. (Cinémathèque québécoise, 335 de Maisonneuve E., 9 p.m. $11.44), and Cracked Actor: David Bowie, which captures Bowie at his creative peak and personal low (J.A. de Sève Cinema, 1400 de Maisonneuve W., 9 p.m., $11.44).

There are too many good shows and DJ nights happening tonight to recommend just one or two, so click the listings link below to see the full spread, and check out Johnson Cummins’ top picks here.

Check out our complete listings for more great club, stage and gallery events.

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